Thursday, January 10, 2013

Yeah... I workout!

       I've worked out the past two days, doing little simple workout routines, and I actually feel really good. I hope that i actually have the will power to keep this going. I found this workout through pinterest and promptly pinned it to my board Let's Get Physical, Physical! (like the song.. you know?) and let it alone. Yesterday I was looking for a workout I could easily do (as an asthmatic who is out of shape, that isn't easy.. let me tell you) So I found one that was super easy to do.. or so I thought. I began to regret that decision as I found myself staring at the timer on my phone as it counted to 30 seconds while I looked foolish "planking" on the floor. My small rat terrier mutt puppy was barking to get me to play, bringing my toys during what seemed like forever as I flexed my abs on the floor.  Suddenly, the 30 seconds of torture in my life was over and I felt... good. Really good. I moved onto the next part of this simple, short workout and suddenly I realized how amazing this actually felt. The stress seemed to melt away and I knew that this was something I had to keep doing. For myself and my future self. Now as I feel my sore abs, back muscles, and triceps, I realize, I feel a little lighter.. ( which may have a lot to do with my financial aid for school coming through.. WHEW!) My simply workout contained:
  •   5 push ups
  • 20 crunches
  • 30 second plank
  • 20 mountain climbers
  • 50 jumping jacks 
  • Someday, I hope to add more to this, but for now eating healthy and doing this everyday will work for me. It is nice because I am actually attempting my NYE goals, where are in previous years, I never took them seriously. I guess attempting to make myself feel good takes priority in sitting on the computer watching youtube videos all day. So, I encourage you to get up and workout, even if it is a short walk around the block, Trust me. You'll feel better in the end!

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